

Sunday 8 pm to 11  pm, Home Stage

An interactive evening dedicated to the wild frontiers of shadow art, presenting international multi-disciplinary artists bending the principles of light and shadow. Shadow techniques unveiled, contraptions of scrap plastic become whimsical worlds, invented instruments honk, silhouette dancers with extra appendages and long feelers wiggle and squirm, moths land on the overhead projector – their translucent wings illuminating on the big screen, strange and beautiful things that we can’t even plan are going to happen. A uniting of the elusive and specialized shadow art crafters from various towns to invoke new collaborations and share knowledge with an invitation to all to participate and explore shadow dimensions with us.

Featuring short performances by A Raisin Called Crone, Drea Lusion, Mime of A Sail, The New Eccentrics, followed by live music by Deakin Hicks and a Shadow Jam where all are invited to play and explore with specially crafted shadow puppets and an interactive shadow set.

MIME OF A SAIL: Gravity oppresses us all!

Part shadow puppet show and part live musical performance, Mime of a Sail’s “Against Gravity” is a mind-bending journey through a world filled with surprises. We meet anti-gravity protesters, an advice-giving snail and several near death experiences. Using an overhead projector, they project colourful imagery onto a large screen while engaging audience participation to create a live evolving soundtrack.

DREA LUSION: Wish Catcher (Short Feature)

Years ago the people packed up their Dreams and Wishes in boxes to go work in the factories. The Wish Catcher comes to help the people (the audience) draw their dreams from thin air – pulling light and shadow from their imaginations onto floating screens and jumping suitcases. The audience is surrounded by color swatches and scarves for instant shadow dream creation. By making a dreamscape of shadows and sounds the people burst open the dream boxes and make wishes into reality.


A Raisin Called Crone will be creating impromptu sculptures with audience participation out of the tousled and torn remnants of festival trash and various found objects collected along the way. With illumination these creations will transform into stories accompanied by guitar, her crooning so sweet voice, and lyrical poetry..

A Raisin Called Crone  is a multi-faceted artist whose work trespasses the borders of music, visual and performance art. Her work is truth-telling, intimate and experimental : it’s like dreaming while you are awake. She creates worlds that are simultaneously  haunting and playful, dark and hilarious, fragile and fearless.


Dancing mermoids swim voluptuously across the screen as the skeleton entablature of the Lost City of Atlantis rises from the murky depths of the ocean bottom for a good ol shake down of crab claws and mollusc tentacles. Water projections ripple the screen, accordion noir haunts a tune and the bearded mermoid sings the last hurrah.

SHADOW SAIL THEATRE: Immersive set design by Heather Dawn Sparks

A touring theatrical sculpture consisting of large scale metal trees and translucent boat sails that become a shadow playground by night designed to invoke audience participation in the exploration of shadow art creation.


Papercut shadow crafting in the playground. Check out the schedule to see how you can craft your own shadow puppets and bring them to life during Sunday night’s Shadow Jam.

Shadow Sail Theatre, featured performances, and puppet crafting workshops are supported in part by the Burning Man Global Art Grant and Bellingham’s Sustainable Connections Kapow! Placemaking Grant. Thank you for making art like this possible!

The next exhibit of Shadow Sail Theatre will take place Oct 2nd at the Lightcatcher Museum, Bellingham, WA.